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Monthly email brought to you by the Graduate Life Office of Stanford Student Affairs, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Graduate Student Council & Graduate Student Programming Board.

1. Follow us on social media to receive reminders and updates about our events!
2. Nutrition Office Hours, May 7
3. Food Pantry Pop Up, May 11
4. Census@stanford
5. Virtual Recreation and Wellness
6. Contemplation By Design free guided meditation for Sheltering-in-PEACE
7. Health Alert News and Announcements
8. Health Alerts for Graduate Students and PostDocs

1. How Can VPGE Support You?
2. Stanford Graduate Summer Institute (SGSI) 2020
3. Preparing Future Professors
4. Diversity and Inclusion Innovation Funds (DIF)
5. Student Projects for Intellectual Community Enhancement (SPICE)
6. Diversity Works: Intersectionality in Practice, May 14
7. Quick Bytes, May 19, May 27
8. Academic Chats, May 19, Jun. 3
9. Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Resources for Graduate Students

1. New GSC Calendar
2. Questions, comments, concerns?

1. Join the GSPB mailing list
2. GSPB Weekly Virtual Meeting
3. HIRING: GSPB Coordinator
4. Virtual Game Night, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28
5. Portuguese Cooking Class, May 17
6. Mexican Cooking Class, May 24

1. Cardinal Nights Mailing List
2. Cardinal Night Events



** Events listed here are subject to change or cancellation, given uncertainty around COVID-19. The safety of our community is our top priority. If you register or apply for an event, VPGE will keep you informed directly about any changes to our schedule

1. Follow The Graduate Life Office on social media for event announcements, updates, and more!


2. Nutrition Office Hours

Weiland Health Initiative & Well-Being present:
Nutrition Office Hours: Food for Thought!

WHEN: Thursday May 7, 2020
TIME: 10am-11am
WHERE: zia Zoom

“Is boba unhealthy for me??”
“I CAN’T COOK, what can I make that makes it look like I can on Instagram?”
“How come you always see men grilling and women eating salads in commercials?!”

Have questions about nutrition, food, and eating that you’ve always wanted answered?

Now’s your chance! Ask your questions to your Stanford Dietitians/Nutritionists Bryan & Diane every Thursday morning from 10-11 am via Zoom! Fill out this Google form so they can answer your questions live and suggest other programs like:
• Cooking in the time of Quarantine: making the most of what's in your pantry so you don't have to go to the grocery store.
• How to Hack Ramen: make your instant noodles bougie AF.
• Peace with Food: learn about intuitive eating and reject diet culture!
• Empowered Eating: does eating a lot of soy actually increase my estrogen levels? Would increasing my protein give me more muscle bulk? Learn how to make choices for your body through gender dysphoria and transition!

3. Food Pantry Pop Up
In partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, Stanford R&DE is piloting a monthly food distribution event for Stanford students and their affiliates who self-identify as food insecure. Each eligible household will receive perishable and non-perishable food items at no cost.

Spring Quarter Dates:
• Monday, May 11

The success and sustainability of this program depends on the participation of students. Please sign up to volunteer at the event - three time slots are available per day! Find out more about the program and how you can sign up at the Food Pantry Pop-Up website.

To receive future communication about pantry events please subscribe to the food pantry listserv:

Please direct questions to the Stanford Sustainable Food Program:
Nell Curran, Sustainable Food Fellow

4. Census@stanford
Everyone counts. The 2020 Census will help decide how billions of dollars will help our community and shape congressional districts. Everyone, regardless of immigration or citizenship status, age, or housing status, must be counted in the Census on April 1, 2020 (Census Day) at the location at which they live and/or spend most of their time. Beginning mid-March, graduate students residing both on-campus and off-campus will receive official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. Take ten minutes to complete the Census and shape the future of your community for the next ten years. Spread the word and learn more at

5. Virtual Wellness and Recreation

As part of our continued commitment to your health and wellbeing, your colleagues at Stanford Recreation & Wellness have been working hard to put together a landing page with lots of FREE options to help get you through these times. We call it Virtual Recreation & Wellness. There you will find links to many resources, including our Movement Motivation Contest, where you can inspire or be inspired by your friends and colleagues. We also feature live Zoom classes, live Zoom meditation, a Strava group, and more. In the coming weeks that we continue to work from home, please be sure to visit often as we will be continuing to add more classes and resources to help you take care of YOU! Participate or help motivate by posting pictures of your workout to social media using the tags: #stanfordwalks #stanfordhikes #stanfordruns #stanfordbikes #stanfordurec #sumovementmotivation #suvirtualrecreation

6. Contemplation By Design free guided meditation practice for Sheltering-in-PEACE
You are invited to join the weekly Contemplation By Design free, live guided meditation practice for Sheltering-in-PEACE, based on the Contemplation By Design P.E.A.C.E. process: Pause, Exhale, Attend, Connect, Express. This program will be offered through the end of May via Zoom and YouTube.
To join via Zoom, click on this link:
A livestream of the guided meditation practice will also be available Here on YouTube. Click on the Shelter-In-PEACE title for the date you want to watch.
We look forward to your presence in this Zoom gathering as one way Contemplation By Design can support you during the shelter-in-place public health protocol. The guided instruction will be provided via Zoom video to facilitate a quiet atmosphere for the P.E.A.C.E. practice experience.

7. Health Alert News and Announcements
For up-to-date information and resources for COVID-19, infectious diseases, travel
warnings other public health issues, please visit

8. Health Alerts for Graduate Students and PostDocs…



1. How Can VPGE Support You?

We know this is a time of uncertainty and disruption and we want you to know that VPGE is here to support your academic progress and your wellbeing during this difficult time. Please reach out if you need help or have suggestions for us. Explore our virtual learning opportunities page for resources to help you continue learning, teaching,and researching during this time.

2. Stanford Graduate Summer Institute (SGSI) 2020
Discover SGSI: immersive, interdisciplinary, accelerated week-long courses offered (for free!) two weeks before Autumn Quarter begins. Explore new subjects, experiment with new ideas, and expand your community. Choose from a variety of course topics; see last summer's photos. Priority application deadline: Sun., May 17.
*We’re optimistically planning for an in-person SGSI experience. However, we are prepared to offer a fully virtual experience if needed!

3. Preparing Future Professors
Experience faculty life first-hand by shadowing a professor at a Bay Area teaching-focused university or community college. Program takes place in Winter 2020-21. Application deadline: Mon., May 4.

4. Diversity and Inclusion Innovation Funds (DIF)
Develop projects that advance diversity among graduate students and/or postdoctoral scholars with DIF funds. Current DIF projects range from discussion groups to mentoring programs, speaker series to outreach efforts, and more! Application deadline: Wed., May 13.

5. Student Projects for Intellectual Community Enhancement (SPICE)
Develop projects and activities that promote intellectual community at Stanford with SPICE funds. Current SPICE projects range from seminar series to journal clubs, conferences to communication groups, and more! Application deadline: Wed., May 13.

6. Diversity Works: Intersectionality in Practice: Moving Away from One-Dimensional Understanding of Diversity in the Workplace, May 14
Learn about intersectionality and how, when put into practice, it can be used to create change within the academy and within the workplace. Thurs., May 14, 11:45 AM-1:15 PM; facilitated remotely via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to you once you register for the session.

7. Quick Bytes, May 19, May 27
Get valuable professional development wisdom that you can apply right away! Quick Bytes sessions cover a variety of topics. Tues., May 19: Exploring What Works for You: Self-Care and Time Management; Wed., May 27: Self-Compassion Part 2: Practicing It Without Compromising Success. 12-1:15 PM; facilitated remotely via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to you once you register for the session.

8. Academic Chats, May 19, Jun. 3
Could a faculty career be in your future? Explore the skills and experience to help you prepare at Academic Chats. Offered in collaboration with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Tues., May 19: University Leadership: The Role of the Department Chair, Dean, Provost, and Others; Wed., Jun. 3: The "Dark Search Phase" of Your Academic Job Search. 12-1:30 PM; facilitated remotely via Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to you once you register for the session.

9. Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Resources for Graduate Students

(Virtual) Writing Consultations
Working on a job letter or conference presentation? Preparing for a big interview? Stuck on a dissertation chapter? Writing Tutors and Oral Communication Tutors are available online to support you. Go to to schedule your free appointment.

Virtual Writing Tutoring Hours:
● Sun., 1–7 PM
● Mon.–Thurs., 7 AM–7 PM
● Fri., 10 AM–5 PM

Virtual Oral Communication Tutoring Hours:
● Sun., 1–7 PM
● Mon.–Thurs., 10 AM–7 PM
● Fri., 10 AM–5 PM

Dissertation Boot Camp
Dissertation Boot Camp offers grad students a focused, two-week opportunity to make serious progress on their dissertation or other writing project. During Spring Quarter, all camps will be held online. Please visit the Hume website for the most up-to-date boot camp schedule.

Dissertation Boot Camp - Session 7
● Online registration begins: Mon., Apr. 27 at 10 AM
● Camp: Mon., May 11 - Fri., May 22 (weekdays online), 8 AM-12 PM

Writing and Oral Communication Workshops
Beginning Spring Quarter, workshop materials will be available on the Hume Center Graduate and Postdocs Workshop Canvas site. These workshops provide grad students from all disciplines with general strategies, as well as support, for specific writing and speaking tasks, such as research statements, journal articles, multimedia presentations, and more. To enroll in the Canvas site, please submit your request here.

Additional online Oral Communication workshops are also organized for individual departments and programs. Contact

Faculty, campus programs, and grad student groups may request online writing workshops tailored to the particular needs and interests of their students/participants. Please contact to submit your request.

Weekly Vocal Yoga will not meet in-person in Spring Quarter. Online videos with basic exercises will be available. Please check this site regularly for updates:…

Writing Group Consultations
Are you interested in starting a writing group? Or find yourself in a writing group that just isn’t as productive as it could be? Contact to request an online consultation to help your group meet its writing goals.

Oral Communication Courses
Oral Communication courses provide innovative, discipline-based instruction to help students refine their personal speaking styles. Please contact if you have questions about Spring Quarter courses.





1.  New GSC Calendar

• Filled with the events supported by your Graduate Student Activities Fee
• Lots of opportunities for food, fun and new friends!

2. Questions, comments, concerns?
Reach us at



1. Join the GSPB mailing list.
Are you interested in attending social events for graduate student run by graduate students? Then sign up for the Graduate Student Programming Board (GSPB) mailing list! Every week you will get an email with events that you can enter a lottery to attend.

Sign up here:

2. GSPB Weekly Virtual Meeting
Hello everyone! We understand that given the current situation that it may be hard for each of us to find an outlet of relief, so we wanted to reassure you that GSPB is still very much dedicated to promoting social interactions and fostering connections amongst our graduate community. We would therefore like to continue hosting our GSPB Event Planning Meetings virtually in order to meet these needs. We will be holding our meetings online

Time: every Tuesday at 11AM,
Location: via Zoom (  Please note you must authenticate in with your SUNET ID in order to participate.

We hope to “see” you at meetings!

3. HIRING: Graduate Student Programming Board Coordinator

The Graduate Student Programming Board (GSPB) strives to improve social interaction between graduate students by organizing, sponsoring and coordinating social and educational activities. We endeavor to bring together graduate students from different areas. GSPB Coordinators are hired by the Graduate Life Office and report to the Assistant Director of Programs.  Coordinators will receive $1000/quarter.

Applications are now OPEN
Position Description:
Deadline to apply is Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 11:59pm

If interested, please email:

4.  Weekly Virtual Game Night
When: Recurring every Thursday at 6PM PST beginning April 30
Contact(s): Shaked Regev ( and Chetanya Rostogi (

Come hang with GSPB for a chill virtual game night every Thursday at 6pm. Feel free to email the co-hosts with game suggestions if you'd like, but rest assured there will be no shortage of games to play! Games TBD day-of based on what attendees feel like. There is no need to RSVP, just join the fun by logging into the zoom meeting (link below). Note that you will need to sign in with your Stanford email. We hope to see you there!

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,95414881012# or +16507249799,,95414881012#

Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 954 1488 1012
    International numbers available:

    Meeting ID: 954 1488 1012

5.  Portuguese Cooking Class
When: Sun, May 17 3:30PM PST
Contact: Katie Roehrick (

Learn about Portuguese gastronomy and its deep roots with nature. In this virtual cooking lesson and shared dining experience, you’ll learn how to make a classic and traditional Portuguese dish that was the original precursor to Japanese tempura. Moore details in the RSVP link.

6.  Mexican Cooking Class
When: Sun, May 24 11AM PST
Contact: Katie Roehrick (

Immerse yourself in Mexico's extraordinary street food culture in a guided, online cooking class with a professional chef. Learn to cook a Mexican street taco—including filling, hand-made flour tortillas, and salsa—with practical recipes that you can follow at home. More details in the RSVP link.

**All student-hosted events are sponsored by the Graduate Student Programming Board.**



1. Join Cardinal Nights Mailing List
Subscribe to the Cardinal Night Mailing list to get more information on events and how to register for events.

Click Here to Subscribe!

2. Cardinal Nights Events
Cardinal Nights will return spring quarter with virtual programming!  Please check the website for event information and updates at

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