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Welcome to Stanford!
We are the Graduate Life Office (GLO) and we serve the entire graduate student population at Stanford and their families. Our specialty is helping graduate students, and we are here to help you navigate the issues, challenges and complications that are an inevitable part of life. GLO deans are a source of comprehensive, impartial guidance and information related to all aspects of your life as a graduate student.

New Graduate Student Orientation
Welcome to the Farm! NGSO begins 9/18 - 9/25. Our goal is to connect new graduate students with useful campus resources that will assist them during their time at Stanford.
Updates from GLO
Stanford prepares to honor veterans
A slate of Stanford community events next week will honor our nation's veterans, active-duty service members, members of the National Guard and Reservists, and ROTC cadets. -
Grad and professional students enjoy Picnic on the Lawn
Sunny weather drew students and families to the lawn between EVGR B and C last week for activities hosted by the Graduate Life Office. -
A week of welcome for new graduate students
Thousands of new graduate and professional students participated in New Graduate Student Orientation, a weeklong series of events and programming designed to help them navigate lif