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GRAD ANNOUNCE, January 2020

GRAD ANNOUNCE, January 2020 

Monthly email brought to you by the Graduate Life Office of Stanford Student Affairs, Vice Provost for Graduate Education, Graduate Student Council & Graduate Student Programming Board.


1. Follow us on social media to receive reminders and updates about our events!
2. Community Associate Area Info Sessions 
3. Settle Down Sundays: Board Game Night
4. Grad 201: Managing Stress & Anxiety
5. Apply for a Wellness Mini-Grant for your Innovative Wellness Project
6. Food Pantry Pop Up
7. Winter Quarter Grief Group

1. VPGE Winter Programs
2. Quick Bytes, Jan. 14, Jan. 23, Feb. 4
3. Academic Chats, Jan. 22, Feb. 11
4. Fellows Forum, Jan. 23, Feb. 6
5. Negotiation Matters, Feb. 4 & Feb. 11 (must attend both sessions)
6. Leadership Dinners, Feb. 10, Feb. 26
7. Diversity Works: Racial Bias In the Mind & On the Ground, Feb. 18
8. Career Accelerator, Feb. 19 & Feb. 26 (must attend both sessions)
9. Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (SIGF) 
10. DARE (Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence) Doctoral Fellowship
11. Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Resources for Graduate Students

1. New GSC Calendar
2. Questions, comments, concerns? 

1. Join the GSPB Mailing List
All student-hosted events are sponsored by the Graduate Student Programming Board.

1. Cardinal Nights Mailing List



1. Follow The Graduate Life Office on social media for event announcements, updates, and more!



2. Community Associate Area Info Sessions 

Interested in student leadership opportunities? Want to get involved in the grad community? Apply to be a Community Associate! Throughout January you can attend info sessions in areas you are interested in applying to. Come learn about eligibility requirements and what it means to be a CA from current CAs.

EV Families
January 14, 2020 | 5pm | Bogota Room, Graduate Community Center
January 16, 2020 | 11am | Bogota Room, Graduate Community Center

EV Singles/Couples
January 14, 2020 | 7-8pm | Nairobi Room, Graduate Community Center
January 15, 2020 | 8-9pm | Kennedy Meeting Room
January 16, 2020 | 7:30-8:30pm | Kennedy Meeting Room

January 21, 2020 | 7pm | Kennedy Great Room

January 29, 2020 | Time TBD | Lyman Atrium

January 22, 2020 | 7pm | Munger 4 Lobby

January 14, 2020 | 7-8pm | Rains Buttery
January 30, 2020 | 8-9pm | Rains Buttery

EV Graduate Residences (New Grad Housing Opening Summer 2020)
February 4, 2020 | 5:30-6:30pm | Havana Room, Graduate Community Center

For schedule updates and locations, please visit the Community Associates application site. Applications for New CAs will open in February. If you have questions please feel free to contact the Graduate Life Office (GLO) at 650-736-7078 or

3. Settle Down Sunday: Board Game Night

Date: Jan. 12, 2020
Time: 5pm-8pm
Location: Havana Rm in GCC (750 Escondido Rd)

Winter quarter can be stressful. Settle Down Sundays are a program by the Grad Life Office to encourage grad students to socialize and relax before the start of the week. For the first SDS this quarter we’re hosting a low-key game night. Come hang out with other grads and enjoy the snacks and party games provided. Feel free to bring your own games as well!

4. Grad 201: Managing Stress & Anxiety

Date: 1/22/20
Time: 12:00-1:00pm 
Location: Huang Engineering Center, Room 305 (475 Via Ortega Stanford)

Come have lunch with us and learn about strategies for managing stress especially for grad student. This workshop will be facilitated by CAPS clinician Tovah Krokoszynski.

RSVP here:

5. Apply for a Wellness Mini-Grant for your Innovative Wellness Project
Deadline January 26 at 9:00PM! APPLY NOW! 
STUDENT-ONLY FUNDING (Undergraduate and Graduate):
Projects might include, but are not limited to:
• Fostering greater resilience and well-being; decrease stress and anxiety
• Advancing student well-being in the context of diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Increasing peer to peer support
• De-stigmatizing mental health issues
• Promoting healthy sleep, nutrition habits, and/or body positivity
Your target audience can be the general student body or a very specific student population. You may apply for ONE of the following grants:
• Up to $300 for a one-quarter project  
• Up to $500 for a major campus well-being event
• Up to $600 for a campus project covering two quarters
Submit your creative idea proposal in 500-1,500 words to Well-Being at Stanford at or fill out the online application.  
Please address these basic questions. Bullet points are fine.
1. For which grant are you applying?
2. What is the issue or topic?  
3. What are the basic actionable steps and timeline?
4. Who is involved in the project?  (individual students, student groups, majors, department sponsorship, if applicable).  
5. Who will be your advisor?  You will be required to work with a faculty, staff, or professional campus mental health advisor who will provide guidance regarding sensitive issues that students may raise.
6. Expected outcomes.  Refer to literature and/or research that supports the impact of your idea.
7. Evaluation process
8. Budget (include other funding sources if applicable)
No worries if you don’t have all the details worked out yet. If your innovative idea is accepted, Well-Being at Stanford will help you further develop your proposal.
NOTIFICATION: A wellness mini-grant selection team of faculty, staff and students will review proposals. Carrie Siegel, Wellness Mini-Grant Project Coordinator, will get back to you with the selection committee decision or any additional questions.
Contact: Carrie Siegel
Brought to you by Well-Being at Stanford and Stanford Recreation and Wellness

6. Food Pantry Pop Up
In partnership with Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, Stanford R&DE is piloting a monthly food distribution event for Stanford students and their affiliates who self-identify as food insecure. Each eligible household will receive perishable and non-perishable food items at no cost.

Winter Quarter Dates:
• Monday, January 13 
• Monday, February 10
• Monday, March 9 

The success and sustainability of this program depends on the participation of students. Please sign up to volunteer at the event - three time slots are available per day! Find out more about the program and how you can sign up at the Food Pantry Pop-Up website.

To receive future communication about pantry events please subscribe to the food pantry listserv:

Please direct questions to the Stanford Sustainable Food Program:
Nell Curran, Sustainable Food Fellow

7. Winter Quarter Grief Group

Dates: Jan. 30 and Feb. 27
Location: Circle Room (3rd Floor Old Union -

Stanford Students: If you're in the throes of loss - past or current - the GRIEF and LOSS WORKSHOP offers connection, solace and support. Whether you have already lost a loved one, or you are in the midst of losing someone now, you are welcome to join this safe haven of support.





1. VPGE Winter Programs
Register now for VPGE’s Winter Quarter professional development programs, designed to meet your varying needs and schedules. For more campus-wide programs and events open to grad students, follow our calendar. 

2. Quick Bytes, Jan. 14, Jan. 23, Feb. 4
Get valuable professional development wisdom that you can apply right away! Interactive Quick Bytes sessions cover a variety of topics. Tues., Jan. 14: Speaking Up without Freaking Out; Thurs., Jan. 23: Take the Wheel and Be the Driver of Your Graduate Education; Tues., Feb. 4: Crucial Conversations. 12-1:15 PM; lunch provided. Register in advance.

3. Academic Chats, Jan. 22, Feb. 11
Could a faculty career be in your future? Explore the skills and experience to help you prepare at Academic Chats. Tues., Jan. 22: Managing Up; Tues., Feb. 11: Supervising Undergraduate Research. 12-1:15 PM; lunch provided. Register in advance.

4. Fellows Forum, Jan. 23, Feb. 6
Expand your academic skills and meet new people over a healthy meal at Fellows Forum. Designed for early–mid stage doctoral students, especially those in STEM fields. Thurs., Jan. 23: Finding a Postdoc Position that Fits YOUR Values and Goals; Thurs., Feb. 6: Time Mastery: Strategies That Promote Productivity. 5-6 PM; dinner and networking to follow. Register in advance. 

5. Negotiation Matters, Feb. 4 & Feb. 11 (must attend both sessions)
Gain a solid foundation for more principled, persuasive, and successful negotiation in a variety of contexts. Two-session workshop: Tuesdays, Feb. 4 & Feb. 11, 4-8 PM. Application deadline: Mon., Jan. 20.

6. Leadership Dinners, Feb. 10, Feb. 26
Interact with proven leaders from various industries and organizations over dinner at the Faculty Club. Mon., Feb. 10: Gerald Vizenor, professor emeritus of American Studies, UC Berkeley; Wed., Feb. 26: Naomi Chavez Peters, VP and head of talent development, Sprinklr. 5:30-8 PM. Apply in advance.

7. Diversity Works: Racial Bias In the Mind & On the Ground, Feb. 18
Learn about environmental racism, how racial bias can reinforce disparities in access to healthy places, and how we can work toward personal and institutional change. Tues., Feb. 18, 11:45 AM-1:15 PM. Registration deadline: Sun., Feb. 16.

8. Career Accelerator: Connect, Communicate, and Translate Your Academic Skills into Diverse Careers, Feb. 19 & Feb. 26 (must attend both sessions)
Learn how to identify and communicate professional interests and transferable skills for careers beyond the professoriate.. Two-session workshop: Wednesdays, Feb. 19 & Feb. 26, 4-7 PM. Application deadline: Sun., Feb. 9.

9. Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowship (SIGF) 
Are you a doctoral student engaged in interdisciplinary research? Apply for the three-year SIGF. See website for eligibility and fellowship terms. Application opens Wed., Jan. 8. Info sessions: Wed., Jan. 29, 3:30-4:30 PM; Thurs., Feb. 6, 12:30-1:30 PM. Application deadline: Mon., Feb. 24. 

10. DARE (Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence) Doctoral Fellowship
Are you an advanced doctoral student whose presence will help diversify the professoriate? Apply for this two-year fellowship, which prepares students from diverse backgrounds to pursue and succeed in academic careers. Application opens Fri., Jan. 31. Application deadline: Mon., Mar. 30.

11. Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Resources for Graduate Students

Apply to become a Hume Center Tutor
Applications are available for writing and oral communication tutor positions. We are looking for students who are empathetic listeners, careful readers, and enthusiastic peer reviewers as well as strong writers and speakers. Applications available at; application deadline: Fri., Jan. 31.

Individual Consultations
Working on a job letter or conference presentation? Preparing for a big interview? Stuck on a dissertation chapter? Writing Tutors and Oral Communication Tutors are available at the Hume Center to support you.  Go to to schedule your free appointment. 

• Sun., 1–7:30 PM
• Mon.–Wed., 10 AM–8:30 PM
• Thurs., 10 AM–7:30 PM
• Fri., 10 AM–4:30 PM

Dissertation Boot Camp
Dissertation Boot Camp offers grad students a focused, two-week opportunity to make serious progress on their dissertation or other writing project. Please visit the Hume website for the most up-to-date boot camp schedule. 

Dissertation Boot Camp—Session 3
• Registration begins: Mon., Jan. 13, 10 AM
• Camp: Mon., Jan. 27 - Fri., Feb. 7 (weekdays), 8 AM-12 PM

Writing and Oral Communication Workshops
These workshops provide grad students from all disciplines with general strategies, as well as support for specific writing and speaking tasks, such as research statements, journal articles, multimedia presentations, and more.

The Common Structure of Research Articles
• Thurs., Jan. 23, 3:30-5 PM 
• Hume Center, Room 101
• Gain a clearer understanding of how to construct and organize each section of research articles in your discipline. This workshop will focus on the prototypical IMRD (Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion) structure of the research article genre. 
• Click here to register or visit Hume’s Graduate Workshops page. 

Responding to Reviewer Comments
• Fri., Feb. 7, 12-1:30 PM
• Hume Center, Room 101
• Your article has been returned, with the editor and reviewers' comments. What now? Learn guidelines for interpreting, applying, and responding to reviewer feedback, as well as resources for managing frustration and leveraging the critic as a collaborator. 
• Click here to register or visit Hume’s Graduate Workshops page. 

Weekly Vocal Yoga (open to all)
• Wednesdays, 12-1 PM
• Graduate School of Business (click here for the current room location)
• Help get your voice in shape at this weekly drop-in workshop! Strengthen your speaking voice through theatre-based voice training exercises. 

Oral Communication workshops are also organized for individual departments and programs. Contact

Writing Group Consultations
Are you interested in starting a writing group? Or find yourself in a writing group that just isn’t as productive as it could be? Contact to request a consultation to help your group meet its writing goals. 

Oral Communication Courses
Oral Communication courses provide innovative, discipline-based instruction to help students refine their personal speaking styles in small groups and classroom settings. 




1.  New GSC Calendar


• Filled with the events supported by your Graduate Student Activities Fee
• Lots of opportunities for food, fun and new friends!

2. Questions, comments, concerns? 
Reach us at




1. Join the GSPB Mailing List


Are you interested in attending social events for graduate student run by graduate students? Then sign up for the Graduate Student Programming Board (GSPB) mailing list! Every week you will get an email with events that you can enter a lottery to attend. 

Sign up here:




1. Join Cardinal Nights Mailing List


Subscribe to the Cardinal Night Mailing list to get more information on events and how to register for events.

Click Here to Subscribe!


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