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Mid-Quarter Break

Ice Cream & Crafts

Event Details:

Friday, May 3, 2024
1:00pm - 2:30pm PDT


EVGR B 144

May 3rd is National Space Day! Drop in on Friday May 3rd 1pm-2:30pm 

Location 1: EVGR B 144 for paletas from Paleta Planeta & crafts!

Location 2: Lomita Mall in the grassy island between Moore Materials and Building 360 for Paletas

What are paletas? Paletas are a type of frozen snack that is popular in Mexico and other Latin American countries. These treats are made from a variety of ingredients including fruit, cream, and water. Often served on a stick, almost like a popsicle! 

This event is opened to currently enrolled graduate students, partners, and dependents. Please bring student if for check in. Thanks!

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